keyboard_arrow_left Incredible Benefits of Implementing the VocalScript Transcription API keyboard_arrow_right

October 5, 2019

If your firm deals with a large amount of audio or video files, then you’ll grasp the need to efficiently transcribe this valuable information so as to store it digitally for reference and safekeeping. It would be a herculean task and most likely an unprofitable one to hire full-time staff solely dedicated to converting speech to text beyond a certain volume threshold.

It is here that technology and all that mankind has achieved with this continually moving the field forward, comes into the equation. Through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, our team at VocalScript has managed to program computers to perform to transcribe with incredible speed. With human-guidance, the levels of accuracy machines can now quickly carry out for these kinds of tasks are nearing 100%.

While nuance in speech and language are the main obstacles to achieving complete precision, the spotlight is currently on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tackling these hurdles. Online transcription services like ours are helping businesses easily manage their regular transcription needs with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). APIs are the digital toolkit any client would need to integrate an online tool with their workflow and systems.

Here are some of the advantages that come with implementing our transcription API:

1) It is Extremely Efficient and Time-Saving 

Being able to save time is just as valuable as saving on costs in the world of business. By setting up our transcription API, the process of collecting files to be transcribed, manually sending them to your service provider and liaising with them to hash out delivery timelines become a shorter series of automated actions. Streamlining this procedure makes the whole cycle of transcript turnaround much more efficient. Doing so eliminates the need for extra programming efforts beyond the straightforward integration with a workplace’s operating system.

2) Access and Scalability

It is common for larger companies to be spread over different geographical locations, both in terms of staff and clients. In this case, the need for tools that facilitate the management of bigger team sizes and remote working becomes a main priority. In setting up a transcription API, it can be linked to the entire work platform and provide access to all relevant employees at any scale.

3) Confidentiality and Data Security

Keeping information away from prying eyes online and staying safe from any potential security breach is of utmost importance for all businesses. Hence, it is critical to ensure that any transcription API you choose to apply can ensure the safeguarding of all your valuable information. In fact, recorded audio and video content typically contains personally identifying details and other sensitive information. Our transcription API has been programmed according to the same strict security standards the rest of our products and services operate under.

4) Easy Integrations for Added Functionality

A major benefit of installing a transcription API is the ability to increase functionality by integrating it with any software an enterprise may need. Our simple API documentation provides more in-depth detail on this. Here are a few examples of the potential integration partners TranscribeMe’s API can link to:

- Content aggregating platforms

- Market research platforms

- iOS, Android, call recording apps

- Usability testing software

- Voicemail recording services

- Conference call and webinar services

- Text analytics software

- IVR/contact center platforms

5) Customizable with On-hand Support

With the right programming skills on board, APIs can further be customized as needed due to the code behind it being visible to all. This way, should a business have any extra requirements with their API implementation, they can contact our support team to discuss .Net SDK for easier, faster development in .Net technologies.

How the VocalScript API Works

Our API gives your service direct access to VocalScript’s web service that allows you to link your account with VocalScript, upload media, order transcriptions, and receive your transcripts via email to your exact specifications. Here’s how our simple process takes your audio and video files and transforms them into accurate text in no time:

1. Upload your audio or video file to your account.

2. Submit the transcription order to be fulfilled.

3. Receive the transcript in an email when it’s complete, and then download the transcript anywhere you please.

Our transcription API provides all of the main functionality of our web platform. 

Ready to implement our transcription API for your enterprise needs? Submit your API request today or contact us. 

Remember, if you can speak it...we can script it!